Tag Archives: ramble

Social Media Blues

I wanted to write about devotional spaces and art spaces today, but I just don’t have it in me.  I’m working really hard to not care so much about external forces on my thoughts, but once you put them out in the world, it is difficult not to care how they land.

Sometimes I wonder if Social Media has ruined me for sharing art.  The biggest problem with Social Media is that I always seem to find out something sad and dark and disappointing about someone I love. But it leads me to question,  if they can say such vile things, how did I ever trust them with my thoughts or heart or company?

It starts to affect everything I put out there.  I tailor my Facebook statuses to not attract that kind of exchange, and it feels vapid… and still they come. The pedantic, the ignorant, the blindly political, the angry.  How come it’s harder to love someone on Social Media?  Does it bring out our worst, or does it break through our carefully constructed facade?

Yet, there’s all sorts of creative release in Social Media too.  Artists can share directly with their fan-base,  there are good thoughts and discussions to be had.  So it feels as if I would throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater to eschew the platform completely.

And yet it makes me weary.  I start to question if there’s a point to Art and Beauty in such a world, where people who have chosen to befriend each other engage in such rabid egotistical written pummeling.

Sorry guys, I wanted Monday to be cheerful and well researched, but sometimes that is just not something I can work up, even though I spent a lot of time on the groundwork for it.  I probably need to spend more time in my devotional spaces and art spaces to mitigate the social spaces.  I just feel like I do that an awful lot as an introvert already.